2.1. 140 Days
A photobook consisting of photographs and scanned
printed matter retelling the experiences lived
within 140 in Japan in 2019 .
A photobook consisting of photographs and scanned
printed matter retelling the experiences lived
within 140 in Japan in 2019 .
2.2. Image & Context
A Series of small photographic publications documenting
a specific graphic object on a determined context.
[a] Japanese storefronts
[b] Yurukyara (ゆるキャラ)
[c] Hand-painted Caribean signs
A Series of small photographic publications documenting
a specific graphic object on a determined context.
[a] Japanese storefronts
[b] Yurukyara (ゆるキャラ)
[c] Hand-painted Caribean signs
2.3. El Mar en el Norte
A 4 Color-RISO printed photography publication as a result
of a trip to the northermost part of south america, in Colombia.
[a] Spread of a Virign mary shrine juxtapozsed with
a man made rock pillar.
[b] Spread of a mural at Punta Gallinas
and the sea it is depicting.
A 4 Color-RISO printed photography publication as a result
of a trip to the northermost part of south america, in Colombia.
[a] Spread of a Virign mary shrine juxtapozsed with
a man made rock pillar.
[b] Spread of a mural at Punta Gallinas
and the sea it is depicting.
2.4. The flatlands
A Riso printed publication of black and white landscape pictures taken over the course of 2 years of Dutch scenery.
A Riso printed publication of black and white landscape pictures taken over the course of 2 years of Dutch scenery.
2.5. A Colorful Scene
An experimental publication with 36 different indivual elements representing a unique piece of a scene. The publication is completed with 4 different background colors and it encourages the reader to create their own unique compositions.
[a] All individual elements on the publication
[b] Composition using a hand, a foot, a splat & an insect
[c] Composition using a star, a horse & a sun
[d] Composition using a shoreline and a field of flowers
An experimental publication with 36 different indivual elements representing a unique piece of a scene. The publication is completed with 4 different background colors and it encourages the reader to create their own unique compositions.
[a] All individual elements on the publication
[b] Composition using a hand, a foot, a splat & an insect
[c] Composition using a star, a horse & a sun
[d] Composition using a shoreline and a field of flowers