

3.1. A Graphic Designer at The End of The World?
    ↳Exhibited @ DDW 2022 

A Research project and Audiovisual piece, and the result of the masters program in Information Design @ The Design Academy Eindhoven. 

An inquiry on the importance and place(or lack thereof) of graphic design in the era of the Anthropocene. A study on the images we consume and produce in order to make sense of the current ecological catastrophe in which we have found ourselves in. Can we speculate these feeling away? Perform of ecological angst? Is graphic design worth it on a dying planet?

These questions are the starting point (and end), of a performance in which The Designer tries to talk Themselves out of the guilt and angst of this day and age, questioning their priviledge and place in society, all while a barrage of backdrops depicting ecological disasters fall one after the other in the background.

[a] Comments on Graphic Design and The End of The World, is a written thesis that focuses on the images of the current ecological breakdown we face today. 
Selected spreads with illustrations, separating the chapters


[c]  Stills and Elements used on the final showing of the project,performative and Audiovisual piece with 3D modeled elements and props.
[d]  A streaming of the Stage @ the Graduation show of the Design Academy Eindhoven, where the project was presented.



3.2. The Empty Pedestal 
    ↳Exhibited @ DDW 2021
        ↳With the Class of ID @ DAE 

A video project, part of a collective effort to discuss art on public spaces and the political implications that these objects have. The empty pedestal discusses an event that took place in 2020, when The equestrian statue of Sebastian de Belalcazar was toppled in Colombia, and how that is tied with politics, colonization, and racial dynamics 

    [a] Printed & digital material related to “the after monument”    
Website for The After Monument by the class of ID @ DAE


[c] Video on request. two iterations were made: a digital one centered around a 3D model of a pedestal, and an installation in which the pedestal was projected on.

The After Monument panel @ DDW 2021 


3.3. Conversations into the void

An ongoing project centered around interviewing those around me as a way to archive these moments and store them on a “void”. senseless talks without listeners, only an excuse to excersize human connection at a given moment and place. Out of these conversations some printed mateial and Audiovisuals end up as result for maybe no one but participants to care about or witness. 

    [a] Film photography and video from the first conversation
Prints made from the documentation of the setting in Ile verte